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GTA West:416-798-7722
GTA East:416-609-1010
: 519-514-3350

Our Values


Our Values for Success

People are at the heart of our business & industry and we strive to reinforce and encourage these specific values:

Our Company

Our Entrepreneurial Philosophy

We will embrace our founder, Earl O’Neil’s philosophy that emphasizes a personal approach to service, a leadership approach to product and innovation and a partnership approach with all our customers and suppliers.

Teamwork & Total Quality Commitment

We will promote and emphasize quality and teamwork throughout all areas of our organization

Easy Customer Service

We will determine customer service expectations & measure and improve our performance against them on a regular basis.

Our People

Recruit, Select and Retain

We will recruit, select and retain only those individuals who reflect the quality, image, integrity and values of our company


We will recognize personal development and continuing education & training as a priority.


We will listen and provide honest, timely and consistent open lines of communication.


We will motivate and reward employees who reach and exceed their individual & team goals and support our overall company objectives.

Our Future


We will continue to investigate new technologies and opportunities to improve service, eliminate waste, reduce costs and increase business efficiency.

Marketing and Strategy

We will develop unique and measurable strategic initiatives through a participatory planning process at all levels in the organization.


O'Neil Electric Supply Limited - Statement with 
Respect to Child & Forced Labour. 

Child and forced labor are serious global issues that require the attention of all businesses. As a responsible employer and purchaser of goods and services, O'Neil Electric Supply Limited is dedicated to addressing and eliminating these unethical practices. The following principles have been established to uphold our core value of treating every individual with dignity and respect: 

Please click HERE to review the full policy.